Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of church is Maranatha Bible Chapel?
Maranatha Bible Chapel is a member of the Christian and Missionary Alliance that seeks and promotes a personal relationship with God. (Our Beliefs) We are fully committed to the truths of the Bible. We strive to communicate those truths in a relevant and understandable way for many that face real issues and are looking for answers. We have discovered that those answers are only found in a personal walk with Jesus Christ. We consider ourselves to be real people; not perfect, just forgiven sinners that have experienced a love and acceptance that we joyfully share with others.
What are the services like?
We work hard to make sure your experience at Maranatha Bible Chapel is one that is authentic, welcoming and fulfilling. Our services feature a live worship band. Our Senior Pastor, Samuel Hahn, presents a message from the Bible that is relevant to our lives today and helps enlighten its truth for everyday application. For your convenience we offer the Connexions Cafe for refreshments. For more information on what to expect on your first visit, check out our Newcomers page.
How will I know where to go?
Our Greeters in the front-foyer entrance will help answer any of your questions. But to help aid you in feeling more like a “regular” on your first visit please check out our Newcomers page.
Will you ask me for money?
No. If you are a guest at Maranatha Bible Chapel, you have NO obligation to open your wallet. In fact, we don’t want anyone to give money out of guilt or obligation. Those of us who have made MBC our church home, give back to God and His church, a portion of what He has graciously given us…with grateful and joyful hearts.
What should I wear?
Whatever you feel comfortable in. People who attend Maranatha Bible Chapel wear everything from business wear or jeans, to shorts and sandals. Some dress formal (suit or dress) and some don’t. Feel free to come comfortable!
What’s the music like?
We have a live band and worship team that lead us using a variety of music styles. Our musicians and singers are volunteers and servants that do a great job of leading us in worship.
Will I have to sign anything or be singled out in any way?
No. We certainly want to get to know you, but we want you to be comfortable as well. We will NEVER ask you to wear a visitor badge or stand up and introduce yourself. We want you to remain as anonymous as you want to be. Even if you do fill out one of our “Connect Cards”, we promise not to knock on your door or call you — unless you ask us to.
What about my kids?
While you enjoy the worship service, we offer opportunities of fun and learning in a variety of age-appropriate children’s ministries. Our Nursery is available. We are a church that is in compliance with “Safe Place” and are staffed with church volunteers complete with background checks, so as to ensure your child’s safety. While we expect that your children will enjoy these activities more, you are always welcome to keep them with you during the service if you prefer.
What do you have for teenagers?
Our Student Ministries team offers a full slate of activities and spiritual development opportunities for Middle School (grades 7-8) and Senior High (grades 9-12) at 7:00 PM on Wednesday nights. We also have discipleship classes offered on Sunday mornings after the service. Teens join us in the sanctuary for our worship service.